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Minimum Impact


These are values which we keep while practicing outdoor activities. Our goal is to respect nature, people and all forms of life.
Rox to support the Minimun Impact Manifest!


Peter Tofte, Renan Cavichi and 450 others support the Minimum Impact Manifest


Environmental Conservation

Don't leave anything behind, and don't take anything from nature with you.
Make the most efforts to keep things the way they are.

Respecting Animals

Don't feed, touch or interfere in animal's habitat.
Take this opportunity to just observe and admire them.

Caution and Prudence

Respect nature's adversities and your personal limits.
Make use of safety equipments. Keep your life and your partners' lives safe.

Valuing a Positive Experience

Avoid big groups and disorder at public places. Be aware that your actions may interfere in other people's experience.
