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Airton Rosas
Airton Rosas

Publicado em 10/05/2020 08:55

Realizada de 20/07/2017 até 24/07/2017



3 Comentários
Karen Mara 21/08/2020 17:51

Please, listen to "LET THERE ONLY BE LOVE", a CD in memory of CHARLES MANSON. Stay safe. https://t.co/SOq1YAblsF No matter who'll eat the fruit of the tree you may grow/ always try hard to sow seeds of love ev'rywhere that you go./ You won't find only love, but also hate along the road/ but what matters is the love in your heart you hold./ (Refrain) Instead of bullets may ev'ry gun shoot flowers and fun./ Instead of hate let there only be love for ev'ry one./ May all people share riches before life is done./ Now is the only thing real as once a man said/ 'cos before later comes anyone may be dead./ So, outta your heart make an airfield, oh, where only solidarity lands/ and for evil deeds try hard to make amends./ (Refrain) Let there not be any more wars and no room too for greed, fear and hunger./ May man drop chocolate bars and not shells from the bomber./ (Refrain)

Karen Mara 21/08/2020 17:52

On Spotfy search for Let there only be love, SAM AUG. Stay safe.

Airton Rosas 30/01/2021 17:04

That s all right

Airton Rosas

Airton Rosas



Sou Geógrafo, pratico esportes de montanha a muito tempo, neve, florestas, desertos, grande altitude, não importa, tendo oportunidade estou lá. Email - itaspbr@gmail.com

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Peter Tofte, Dri @Drilify e mais 444 pessoas apoiam o manifesto.