Ana Retore 12/12/2016 18:13
    Skydiving - Albion NY

    Skydiving - Albion NY

    An unbelievable and unforgettable experience. Skydiving in Albion-NY, with the Western New York Skydiving


    Skydiving is undoubtedly an experience that everyone (who has the will) should have. It was an unforgettable, incomparable and encouraging feeling.

    The first step for this adventure, required a research of skydiving companies. The chosen one had no accidents on its history and was close to the city where I lived at the time (upstate NY): the Western New York Skydiving. The second step was signing all those terms. They almost convinced me to give up at the very beginning by saying that they exempt themselves from any liability or any fatality that may occur. Yes, it is very common to think twice, but at the end, we end up agreeing and going.

    There was a previous training in the ground, with basics about the jump, body positioning and so on. I was the only woman in my group, and that smile on all people's faces I swear it was more tension than happiness lol. After this quick training, we had to dress our own jumpsuit, set the equipment and board the plane.

    The jump was Tandem. Tandem skydiving is a training method of skydiving where a student skydives with an experienced instructor. The student is a part of the skydive, and is expected to perform what they have learned in the tandem class. Finally, after takeoff, in at least 10 thousand feet in altitude, comes the most difficult decision of the adventure: give your first step out of the plane and dive into the sky.

    After you jump, you get a few seconds in free fall. It looks like your cheeks will stop behind your ears, and so much air comes through your nose that you can barely breathe. At that time, I forgot all the training on the ground, and just screamed. I screamed a lot lol. There is so much adrenaline circulating through your body, so much emotion at the same time, that this was the only way I found to manifest myself at the moment. I was above the clouds! That’s just awesome!

    When the parachute opens, it was in my opinion the best of all. At that moment I wished I didn’t have to land. Skydiving makes you feel giant and insignificant at the same time. It is as if you were able to embrace the planet, but deep down you have done nothing but fly, as millions of birds already do. It is immensity and limitation, complexity and simplicity, power and submission, all at once and concentrated in a few minutes - the most unforgettable and intense - of your life.

    Ana Retore
    Ana Retore

    Publicado en 12/12/2016 18:13

    Realizada en 15/05/2014



    2 Comentarios
    Renan Cavichi 13/12/2016 10:08

    Wowww! ROX! :D

    Fabio Fliess 13/12/2016 11:10

    Crazy total! Hahaha.. Muito legal Ana.

    Ana Retore

    Ana Retore

    Videira-SC Oswego-NY Curitiba-PR


    Porque, no futuro, vou mostrar esse perfil para os meus netos 😊

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